
Hi there, I’m Rucha.

Author, Content Writer, Social Media Manager, Hardcore Reader, and a big-time Potterhead.

The bookish world is my hometown as I spend hours writing and some more hours reading. If we ever get to meet, I’d probably ask you two questions. A) What’s your favorite book(S)? And B) What’s your favorite sitcom?

Tea gives me the energy to write while chocolate milk is my reading buddy. When I come out of the fictional world into reality, here’s who I am-

I grew up in a small town near Pune where I went to a Marathi school. Writing has been my passion and I’m writing for as long as I remember. While growing up, I read many books and started dreaming about writing my own Novel.

My secret poem diary has seen me write whenever a thought blossomed in my mind. I moved out of town and came to Pune to pursue Computer Engineering and didn’t like the career part of it. Don’t get me wrong, Java and Python are pretty cool. But the ocean of words is much better for me.

So, after working for a few months in an IT company, I decided to do what I love the most- Writing.

Now, I am a Content Writer by day and an author by night, with two published books. When I am not writing, I grab a book from my kindle bookshelf or scroll Goodreads to add new books to the reading list. Thus, I’m a self-declared queen of the Book-world.

How about you? I’d love to hear what you are working on or currently reading. Say hello to me here.

Rucha Pantoji’s books on Goodreads
What Does Your Dad Do ? What Does Your Dad Do ?
reviews: 3
ratings: 6 (avg rating 5.00)

Happy Writing!