Creative Writing

Foreshadowing in Literature: 5 Famous Examples

Let’s explore some foreshadowing examples in literature, shall we? Foreshadowing in literature or a movie gives hints to the readers about future events. The hint could be about either positive or negative events. It is the best way to create tension, excitement, suspense, or thrill by giving some hints. The hints could be direct or […]

Creative Writing

Outlining a novel using Index Cards: With example

Outlining a novel before starting the actual novel is the best way to avoid plotholes. Many writers ask questions like ‘how long an outline should be?’, ‘what is the best way to get the best outline ready?’, or ‘Is it important to have an outline?’. Well, a novel outline is good for those people who […]

Creative Writing

How to write a novel outline: With Detail outlining template

Last year, I published my personal way to write a novel outline. Even though I am not a plotter, I prefer organizing my novel work in my own way. There are many ways to write a novel outline in detail. One of them is index card outlining. However, in this post, I am going to […]

Creative Writing

Identify your writing style before writing a novel

To identify your writing style, you need to invest time in understanding some common factors.  As a newbie writer, writing a novel without knowing your style is not a good idea. You will definitely start facing problem after three or four chapters. Moreover, it’s going to create a big mess in your plot. The errors […]

Creative Writing

Motivate yourself to write: 10 simple ways

Writing every day without facing any kind of problem/distraction is quite tough. Writers need to motivate themselves once every day to write. Yes, not being able to write is a real issue. Facing a writer’s block is a real issue. And having self-doubt might lead to completely dropping the plan of writing. What are the […]

Creative Writing

How to outline your novel?

When you decide to write a novel, the first phase is to outline your novel. Well organized writing has to undergo dedicated phases. Outlining the story, deciding the chapters, naming your characters, deciding conflicts in the story, pacing, and most importantly the climax. And after this what you get is the first draft which still […]

Creative Writing

Write a novel: 10 steps to write and publish a novel

To write a novel is a bit overwhelming at first. It requires a lot of research and a good story for people to like it. Moreover, the story should move forward with a great plot. A good first chapter, nicely paced plot, conflicts creating tension and a good ending. In order to achieve all this […]

Creative Writing

How to create a character profile

“Know your characters before you write them.” A character profile is describing the novel characters in detail. Every character has their own qualities. Just like normal people, novel characters will have a different point of views and nature. Why to create a character profile? The character in a novel has a certain type. For example, a […]